What is the Best 16x20x1 Air Filter?

Discover why Filtrete 16x20x1 air filters are a great option for those looking to reduce allergens in their home and improve their HVAC system's energy efficiency.

What is the Best 16x20x1 Air Filter?

When it comes to air filters, it's important to consult with a local heating and air technician or the manufacturer of your central air system to determine which high-efficiency filters will work best with your system. The Filtrete 16x20x1 air filter is a great option for those looking to reduce allergens in the air and improve the air quality in their home. This filter comes with a reminder program that sends alerts when changes need to be made, as well as useful tips on how to keep the air clean. The filter is available in a three-pack and needs to be changed every one to three months, which will increase the energy efficiency of the appliance and improve the air quality in the home.

It's important to have an oven filter installed in your home, even if it's an affordable, disposable oven filter, such as the Filtrete Basic dust and lint air filter. If the particulate load in the air increases due to having pets, leaving windows open, lighting candles frequently, or other activities, you may need to replace the filter more often. We evaluated the size of each filter and if it fit perfectly in the oven or if there were gaps that could cause air to escape. We also measure how well an air filter removes dust, pollen and smoke from the air, and we see how freely air flows through the filter at any fan speed.

Filters are also useful for absorbing odors in the home and can allow the air to smell fresher once installed. The Flanders 16x20x1 air filter is an economical option for those who are only concerned about capturing large particles for the sake of the longevity of their HVAC system. This filter saves you a lot by making an investment that will ensure you and your loved ones are safe from allergens. We think manufacturers' concerns are a little cautious, partly because a recent innovation in air filters allows for high MERV ratings (11 to 1) with low pressure drop.

Leanne Legorreta
Leanne Legorreta

Professional bacon aficionado. Passionate tv practitioner. Proud internet guru. Twitter evangelist. Devoted music guru.